Posted in Laughter, Shared thoughts...

My young entrepreneur

True Story

My little “Tinker Toy” (no, that’s not really her name) is a budding young entrepreneur. Tonight she decided to open her very own doggie adoption business.


Yes, that’s the name of it and yes, she knows that the word “hug” has only one -g- even when the plural form is used. She told me that she wanted the name of her business to stand out. She also told me that she had to use a bandaid to attach her sign to the wall outside her bedroom/office because she couldn’t find any tape… yes, that’s creative and yes, I told her where she could find a roll of tape for future use.

Okay, so this is the sign she posted for her potential customers.


I was contacted and told that I should visit her place of business.

Upon arrival I found this…


and this…


My precious little brainchild made name tags and information cards for each of her two little dogs and tied them on with a piece of ribbon. (No, she did not have to use a kitchen knife to cut the ribbon- yes, she found scissors; right next to the box of band aids!)

Question:   Do these poor little dogs look as pitiful to you as they do to me?

I laughed until tears rolled down my face.

   P.S. Laughter is the best medicine!



Hi, is this an odd name for a blog or what? We'd actually prefer it to be known as a peaceful, magical and mystical spot. It's a spot where you can stop in for a daily dose of love and laughter sprinkled with a bit of chaos, confusion and lunacy. You can get great recipes and cooking tips, as well as drilling and building ideas. Who does that? Who knows their way around the kitchen and around the tool shed? Well, I guess that's part of what'll make this blog so interesting - that and the brief glimpse you'll get into a very elite and exclusive lifestyle - one that supports a "never a dull moment" and "everything ain't for everybody" attitude. By the way, remember to keep an open mind (no judging or finger pointing), a watchful eye (be on the lookout for random giveaways), and a positive -pay it forward-attitude (everybody could use an occasional leg up). Now I know it sounds easy, but don't get it twisted, this "dance ain't for everybody", it's not always a bowl full of cherries, but we make the best of it by drinking a whole lot of lemonade and by praying daily for peace, patience and understanding; after all, we woke up like this!

23 thoughts on “My young entrepreneur

  1. I love this! As a teacher and parent, this kind of play brings so many smiles. I remember when my daughter built a house out of egg cartons and boxes and then created a family of eggs with names and personalities and they lived in their home for a very long time. Creativity at its best. So sweet.. the pics and the story. Thanks for sharing.


  2. What a delightful story! Anything with both nuns and leprechauns in the title gets my attention – looking forward to reading more!


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