On your Knees Please

Growing up Catholic meant attending Mass (at the very least) once a week and for those of us who attended parochial school, it also meant having the privilege of being taught by nuns, participating in religion class each day and praying in school. Those memories will remain with us forever, and we  continue to honor God and our parents by teaching/reminding our children to pray regularly and to put God first.

One of the things that make this wonderful world of ours so beautiful is the fact that there are a multitude of religious denominations as well as a multitude of non-denominational religious practices available.

How about sharing your favorite prayer or scripture or bible verse or gospel song, etc.? I, personally, can always use new ways to speak with God.

~100% no judgement zoneFullSizeRender-2


14 thoughts on “On your Knees Please

  1. Blessed Be, and kudos on your site. I’ve been ambling thru and wanted to say that one way I send express prayers is by blowing bubbles. Yep, the kind you find in any store with a kids’ section. I close my eyes and make my wishes, prayers and dreams full of intent and blow bubbles, I believe this gives them a leg up gettin started on their journey……….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa (Honour to the Blessed One, the Exalted One, the fully Enlightened One) repeated three times – this is said in homage to the Buddha. 🙂 this is a nice idea, Thanks for sharing.


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