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#PhotoRehabCoverMakeover week 2

Lucile De Godoy has launched a new photo challenge called the “Photo Rehab Cover Makeover,” as part of her Photo 101Rehab Clinic.

Instructions: To make a cover for the book, CD or movie that is provided

What to do:

  • Every Thursday the name of a book or movie, etc will be given along with her take on a new cover.
  • Prepare a new cover by using either an archived photo or a new photo that goes with the theme.
  • Prepare and publish the new post. Remember to Ping Back (hyperlink) to the original post or copy your  link to the comments section of the original post.
  • Use the tag #PhotoRehabCoverMakeover, so that the post can be located in the WP reader.
    Add your photo to the link. In this way your photo is exposed to the other participants and the audience of the Photo Rehab.
  • If you wish, to add the Photo Rehab badge to your post you may do so
  • There will be a weekly wrap up of all the ingenious cover makeover photos!

  This weeks cover:


My Cover Make-Over:

Winter's Tales


Hi, is this an odd name for a blog or what? We'd actually prefer it to be known as a peaceful, magical and mystical spot. It's a spot where you can stop in for a daily dose of love and laughter sprinkled with a bit of chaos, confusion and lunacy. You can get great recipes and cooking tips, as well as drilling and building ideas. Who does that? Who knows their way around the kitchen and around the tool shed? Well, I guess that's part of what'll make this blog so interesting - that and the brief glimpse you'll get into a very elite and exclusive lifestyle - one that supports a "never a dull moment" and "everything ain't for everybody" attitude. By the way, remember to keep an open mind (no judging or finger pointing), a watchful eye (be on the lookout for random giveaways), and a positive -pay it forward-attitude (everybody could use an occasional leg up). Now I know it sounds easy, but don't get it twisted, this "dance ain't for everybody", it's not always a bowl full of cherries, but we make the best of it by drinking a whole lot of lemonade and by praying daily for peace, patience and understanding; after all, we woke up like this!

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