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Liebster Award


I was recently nominated as a recipient of the Liebster Award by Louise Fowler of Louise is one of the most expressive and well versed bloggers I’ve come across. This is a true life blog in which she vents and shares what just may be the deepest and most gut wrenching aspects of her life – past and present.

The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have fewer than 300 followers. This is a great way to help build your blogging community and a great networking tool that brings your blog to the attention of others. 

Once you’re nominated, if you choose to accept, after thanking the person who nominated you, you must answer 11 questions about yourself or your blog, then give 11 random facts about yourself. The next step is to nominate 11 other bloggers and create 11 questions for them to answer. Then simply stop by each of those blogs and tell that blogger about the award.

Here are the 11 questions from along with my answers

1. Who is the most supportive person in your life and why?

I would have to say that the most supportive person in my life is my daughter. She is always willing to listen, to be my shoulder, to encourage me to try harder and to remind me that I am worthy and deserving of any and all things. She is an amazingly beautiful and talented young lady and I thank God daily for blessing me with the honor of being her mom

2.     Sweet or savory?

It really depends on my mood.

3.     What is your biggest challenge?

My biggest challenge is accepting the fact that my oldest child is no longer a child. She is almost 23 years old and I still want to baby her!

4.     What would have to happen for you to take a stand and speak up?

Not much, I am very outspoken and I always speak up for myself, the under dog, my children, and for any cause I think is in my best interest.

5.     What do you find offensive?

Discrimination of any kind!

6.     What do you value most?

My relationships.

7.     Where are you most successful in life?

I am most successful as a mother.

8.     Did you like school and why?

Hmmm… I never really disliked school but I was glad when I finished. My older brother was an academic genius and I was always known as “his little sister”. His shoes were always too big for me so following in his footsteps was a struggle that I lost—-(to a certain extent, and in all honesty, I had no desire to be like him in any way so I spent a great deal of time making certain that I was nothing like him)

9.     What is your favorite time of the day and why?

I AM A MORNING PERSON! I simply love getting out of bed in the morning and going out to seize another day.

10. Do you care about your “numbers” in the blog world, or do you write just because you like it?

Initially I wanted numbers but I now just enjoy writing and connecting with others.

11.    What makes you laugh?

My children, our dogs, my brothers, funny movies, scaring people…, what can I say… I love to laugh!

And now 11 random facts about me:

  1. I love working with at risk kids.
  2. I wish I’d had more children.
  3. I’m extremely protective.
  4. I feel that laughter is the best medicine.
  5. I’m afraid of dead people.
  6. My brothers and I dressed alike when we were small children.
  7. I truly dislike mushrooms, asparagus and squash.
  8. As a child I ate hog brains (they taste and look like scrambled eggs when cooked).
  9. My first (and lifetime) crush was Micheal Jackson.
  10. I wish I could sing like Whitney Houston.
  11. I once worked as a radio disc jockey

These are my nominees:

…. and the 11 questions:

1. Where is your favorite vacation spot and why?

2. If you were stuck on a desert island who would you want with you and why?

3. What’s number 11 on your bucket list?

4. Who was your first crush?

5. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

6. How did you discover blogging?

7. Who do you find to be the most influential of your blog followers?

8. How many days per week do you post on your blog?

9. Who is your favorite cartoon character?

10. If you could dance the night away with anyone, who would it be?

11. What is your least favorite household chore and why?



Hi, is this an odd name for a blog or what? We'd actually prefer it to be known as a peaceful, magical and mystical spot. It's a spot where you can stop in for a daily dose of love and laughter sprinkled with a bit of chaos, confusion and lunacy. You can get great recipes and cooking tips, as well as drilling and building ideas. Who does that? Who knows their way around the kitchen and around the tool shed? Well, I guess that's part of what'll make this blog so interesting - that and the brief glimpse you'll get into a very elite and exclusive lifestyle - one that supports a "never a dull moment" and "everything ain't for everybody" attitude. By the way, remember to keep an open mind (no judging or finger pointing), a watchful eye (be on the lookout for random giveaways), and a positive -pay it forward-attitude (everybody could use an occasional leg up). Now I know it sounds easy, but don't get it twisted, this "dance ain't for everybody", it's not always a bowl full of cherries, but we make the best of it by drinking a whole lot of lemonade and by praying daily for peace, patience and understanding; after all, we woke up like this!

31 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. Congrats to you, well deserved, i think your blog is a refreshing one, so power on, entertain us some more….and yes realising your children are adults can be a difficult thing, my children’s mother tends to want to mother them and most of them are in their thirties now. It does lead to some tension.


      1. Oh indeed, I can understand their reactions……I find now I have lovely adult relationships with my children… kids made plenty of mistakes and I determined to be there for them. The last thing they needed from me was me telling them what to do but rather someone they knew they could come to to cry on my shoulder and offer them support. Their mother still can’t help but tell them what to do.


      1. Thanks Butch, you know it is somewhat of struggle given I am so down but I feel that strongly this story does give an opportunity (at the expense of the Houstons – they earned it) to weave some lessons through it; for me as well as others who chose to see them. It is also peculiar to me that the medium is writing given how I have struggled with that all my life. Funny how life goes. I see much the same with you. Your sadness touches so many people and allows us to experience the life of a country boy and struggles and simple joys and accomplishments as you rebuild your life. I am so surprised by this blog thing and am so grateful for people such as yourself and the simple kindness. cheers Butch! 🙂


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