Posted in Current Events, Shared thoughts...

Thank you God!

Saturday’s are really hard for me without my Lucca so I didn’t post anything in highlights–

—in a nutshell here’s how my day went…

My older daughter wasn’t home when we lost Lucca but the struggle has been almost as real for her as it’s been for me.

She lives and works 3,000 miles away and she’s just starting out so visiting home right now is kind of tough.

—Yesterday I walked outside and there she was- walking up the driveway… saying “does somebody need a hug?” I screamed, grabbed her and I held on/hung on for dear life!—

When I let go (I had to share her with her little sister) she said that each time she’d spoken with me since Luke’s death she knew I was still having a hard time. She said she thought I needed a hug and so she came home to hug me. I’m so glad she did! I think the healing can begin now!

Thank you God!

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Hi, is this an odd name for a blog or what? We'd actually prefer it to be known as a peaceful, magical and mystical spot. It's a spot where you can stop in for a daily dose of love and laughter sprinkled with a bit of chaos, confusion and lunacy. You can get great recipes and cooking tips, as well as drilling and building ideas. Who does that? Who knows their way around the kitchen and around the tool shed? Well, I guess that's part of what'll make this blog so interesting - that and the brief glimpse you'll get into a very elite and exclusive lifestyle - one that supports a "never a dull moment" and "everything ain't for everybody" attitude. By the way, remember to keep an open mind (no judging or finger pointing), a watchful eye (be on the lookout for random giveaways), and a positive -pay it forward-attitude (everybody could use an occasional leg up). Now I know it sounds easy, but don't get it twisted, this "dance ain't for everybody", it's not always a bowl full of cherries, but we make the best of it by drinking a whole lot of lemonade and by praying daily for peace, patience and understanding; after all, we woke up like this!

12 thoughts on “Thank you God!

  1. Hugs are good! Enjoy yours and remember Lucca loved ribs. Can we get some.? ………in his memory of course!


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